How To Make Your Objects Collidable

Revision as of 14:49, 29 June 2009 by Robert the rebuilder (Talk | contribs) (Added other items)

This article describes the various ways to turn your visible objects in your age into solid objects into which your avatar (and other solid objects) can collide.


To make your visible object 'collidable' (i.e. have your avatar stop when running into it) is to press the Bounds toggle button on the Logic tab:


You can then specify the shape of the collider for your object. Using the pulldown menu next to the Bounds button, choose one of the following:

  • Box: Places a bounding box around your object
  • Sphere: Places a bounding sphere around your object
  • Convex Hull: Calculates the Convex Hull for your object
  • Triangle Mesh: Uses each triangle from your visible object as a collision triangle
Note: Cone and Cylinder are currently not supported.


If you'd like to make your object mobile - meaning that you can run into it, and it moves - see the following tutorial:

Alternate Geometry

If you have a complex object (e.g. composed of many polygons) and none of the above types produces the kind of solid 'shape' you're looking for, you can produce your own collider. For static (non-moving) objects, see the following tutorial:

For mobile objects,