Playing Together

Revision as of 21:27, 21 June 2015 by Tsar hoikas (Talk | contribs) (Remove TLCA (dead) and add Destiny)

This page describes how you can join a Shard to play the Uru ages, both those provided by Cyan as well as fan-created ages, together with your friends.

What is a Shard?

"Shard" is the Uru-word for a server you can connect to to play Uru online. Two explorers playing on the same Shard can chat with each other, meet in the same age or exchange KI pictures. Two players on different Shards however are totally separated, there is now way for them to communicate within the game. In other words, Shards form different instances of the whole Uru universe, just like every offline installation is totally separated from the rest of the world.

There are different kinds of Shards, depending on which Uru version they are based on.

Public Shards

There are several public Shards available that you can easily join for free. They all have their own installation instructions, which you should carefully read not to disturb the operating of the Shard.

  • The Guild of Writers hosts the Gehn Shard which uses the GoW account database. This shard runs a custom fork of the latest development versions for Plasma (client) and dirtsand (server).
  • The Deep Island also uses the GoW account database and forums, so you most likely do not even need to create a new account for it (using Alcugs, offering all fan-ages available through Uru Age Manager)
  • UAM Shard (using Alcugs, offering all fan-ages available through Uru Age Manager, not receiving updates anymore)
  • The Open Cave (using Alcugs and MOSS)
  • Destiny Shard, a CWE "testing" shard that anyone can test their own client or age on.
  • Myst Online: Uru live again (the one run by Cyan using their servers, no fan-ages available)