
Revision as of 23:00, 12 January 2008 by Kato (Talk | contribs)

Installing PyPRP is easy! Just follow these simple steps.

  1. First, make sure you have a working install of Blender 2.45.
  2. You will also need:
    1. Python 2.5.1
    2. Python Imaging Library
    3. Python Cryptography Toolkit
    4. PyYAML
    5. Psyco is also recommended for speeding up code running times.
  3. Once you've got these installed, install the latest PyPRP version (GoW PyPRP 01-12-08) by downloading the ZIP file and extracting its contents to your /.blender/scripts directory, which is usually C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts for Windows users.
  4. It should be installed. If you'd like to test it with a working Age, proceed to the Exporting FuncChk page. If you'd like to get started making your own, proceed to Getting Started With Writing.