
Revision as of 19:10, 9 February 2008 by Chacal (Talk | contribs) (Required Software - other versions)

Installing PyPRP

  1. Make sure you have a copy of Blender 2.45.
  2. Download and install everything listed under "Required Software" section.
  3. See the Getting PyPRP section.

Required Software - Windows version

Required Software - Linux and other versions

Additional Stuff

Psyco is also recommended for speeding up code running times.

Getting PyPRP

Once you have the required software installed, get the latest PyPRP (GoW PyPRP 1.2.0) and extract its contents to your "/.blender/scripts" folder. On Windows, this is usually C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts while on Linux, you will probably find it in /home/<YOUR_USER_NAME>/.blender/scripts.

Advanced users can select which version of PyPRP they would like to download.


Congratulations! You should now have PyPRP installed and are ready to get started building Ages. If you'd like to test that PyPRP is installed and working properly you can try to export the Function Check Age, or you can get started on your own.