Setting Your Age Up

Revision as of 12:44, 14 January 2008 by Trylon (Talk | contribs) (Added first chapter)

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For starter, we will begin with a new blank blender session.

Preparing the blender screen

Pprepare your blender screen so it looks something like this: Tutorial NewBlender.png

Window 1 is a 3D View Window 2 is a Text Editor Window 3 is a Scripts Window Window 4 is a Buttons Window

Haveing these windows like this is not a necessity, but it will make following this tutorial a bit easier.

Adding a book

Each age needs certain information to describe the basics of how it operate. In PyPRP and Blender, this information is stored in a text file (a text file that is stored inblender internally, to be precise).

To add a default version of such a text file, go to the Scripts Window, and press Scripts->Add->PyPRP. Now select "Add Book" from the popup menu. Congratulations, you just added a text file to blender. Now in the text window, press the button with the two arrows, and select "Book" from the popup menu that shows.
Tutorial TextSelect.png

Your text window should now show this:
Tutorial BookScript.png

You can see that there are various properties to be set. Most of these properties are not interesting at this time, but two of them are currently of importance:

  • age.sequenceprefix

Each age for uru has it's own unique id number - the sequence prefix. There can't be two ages on an uru installation that share the same sequence prefix, otherwise uru will just crash. For now, the default sequence prefix of 100 is ok for a local testing age, but when you want to release your age, you will ahve to change this number to a unique one.

  • age.pages[].name

The age.pages property is a list (indicated by the dash sign) of page descriptions. Each page description has at least two properties - index - the index number of the page, and name - the name of the page Contents of uru ages are often separated into separate pages, with separate names. For now, one page called "mainRoom" will be sufficient.

Note: the Book file used the same structure as AlcScript

Adding default fog settings

The fog settings for uru are also set in a text file in blender - this file corresponds directly to the files with extention ".fni" in uru. Since you get annoying fog settings by default, we should add a text file that has settings that don't give fog.

To add this "init" text file, go to the Scripts Window, and press Scripts->Add->PyPRP. Now select "Add Default age fni settings" from the popup menu.

The contents ofthat file will look like this:
Tutorial Fni.png

Adding a default AlcScript file

Before continuing, it is a good idea to add a third text file to your blender file, that one will be empty, but will be the place where you can set advanced settings for your objects later on.

To add the "AlcScript" text file, go to the Scripts Window, and press Scripts->Add->PyPRP. Now select "Add Default AlcScript" from the popup menu.


We are done with setting up the blender file, let's continue with Adding a bit of surface