
Revision as of 06:29, 25 June 2011 by Boblishman (Talk | contribs)

This is a mining Age owned by "The Company" though it real purpose is for you, the Explorer, to find out.

Status: Complete.



Available through the Sonavio "Inspection" Thread at the GoMa ... PLUS ...

you can also always download the (very) latest version from HERE

This was a continuously evolving age that I tried to include at least one object that used the latest released "function" of the GoW's PyPrp plugin (v.1.xx).

It uses ambient sound, background music, footstep sounds, object animations, synchronised avatar animations with sound (clickable door/secret panel opening), animated textures, a sub-world ("ride"), journals (with "skecthes"),a "sit"-able, a linking book, kickables, dynamic footprints, softvolumes (sounds and visions restriced to certain areas), a waveset ("real, reflecting water with waves"), and most of the features currently available from the latest version of the GoW plugin. Progress is slow as I also concentrate on vertext painting and texturing my models to try and create a "depth" to the Age.

To "solve" the Age, you need to find the Sonavian's exit spot. You will be rewarded with a special musical piece.