Offline KI:Explorer Tutorials

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This is a tutorial page.

This page contains some tutorials for the Offline KI which are interesting for explorers. For more information and instructions, go back to the Offline KI main page.

Using Flymode

Flymode can be enabled and disabled with "Esc" or using the commands "/flymode" and "/noflymode". By passing arguments to that function, you can fly objects and other players in the age you are in - try "/flymode library" in Relto. Then use the following keys to control it:

  • Up arrow: Move forward
  • Back arrow: Move backward
  • Left arrow: Rotate left
  • Right arrow: Rotate right
  • Comma: Move left / Rotate counter-clockwise / Rotate backward (depending on strafe key mode, set by F9)
  • Period: Move right / Rotate clockwise / Rotate forward (depending on strafe key mode, set by F9)
  • Num-pad "-": Move up
  • Num-pad "+": Move down
  • Space: Move up/down alternatively
  • Shift: Move/rotate faster
  • Caps lock: Accelerate move/rotation when key is hold
  • Insert: Reduce linear speed
  • Scroll lock: Reduce rotational speed
  • F9: Toggle between Strafe, X rotation, and Y Rotation modes for strafing keys
  • F10: Reset avatar's X, Y and Z axes
  • F11: Reset linear and rotational speed and position recalculation rate
  • F12: Increase position recalculation rate

There are also some commands that affect the object you have in flymode (or your avatar if there are none):

  • /xyz, /x, /y, /z for relative movement
  • /hide, /show, /ghost, /unghost to enable and disable drawing and physics
  • /normalize to reset rotation
  • /repos to re-set the object to the position it is (for players that joined the age after you moved the object, they will usually see it at the original position, and auto repositioning does not always work)
  • /location to print an objects location and orientation
  • /warp takes a set of three arguments, a warp point name (see "/list warppoints") or the name of an object/avatar to warp the controlled objects to another location
  • /scale takes one or three numbers to scale the controlled objects: Either symmetrically on all three axes, or with distinct values for each of it
  • /rot takes an angle and an axis and rotates the objects accordingly
  • /attach can attach the controlled objects to another one, so they move synchronized. /detach undoes this.

All these commands alternatively take a list of objects to work on - in Relto, try "/hide fissure library" or "/rot 90 z surface".

Using the clipboard

When the focus is in the chat line, use "Shift+Ctrl" to paste text. "/copy" copies the the chat output to the clipboard.

Importing and exporting KI images, messages and marker missions

/export and /import let you get pictures, text notes and marker missions in and out of the game.

  • /export exports into the "export" directory of your Uru installation
  • /import imports from the "import" directory
  • Use "/import allpics" to import all pictures (JPEG format) from that folder
  • Besides, these commands allow you to share marker missions as follows
    • After you've made the marker mission, view the marker mission in your KI and type "/export"
    • This will put two files in the "export" folder in your Uru installation.
    • Then send these two files to the recipient - tell him he has to finish the initial green and red marker missions!
  • The following instructions are for the recipient of the two files
    • Put these files in the "import" folder in your Uru installation
    • Then type "/import filename.mfold" (It will say to backup your sav folder and type it again with a "yes" in there to confirm)
    • Open the marker mission for editing and type "/import filename.mlist" (Again, it will warn about backing up and to type it again with a "yes" in there to confirm)
    • Now you should have the marker mission!

If you want to move marker missions between different installations, or bewteen a Shard and an offline game, it can happen that the mission does not import properly. To fix this:

  • Create a dummy marker quest on both sides, containing just one marker for each age which you used.
  • Export both quests.
  • Open the "12345 - Name.mlist" files of both missions, and compare the age names. For example, in Somewhere this could be "YourName's Somewhere Marker Game Marker" ofline and "YourName's Somewhere2 (Unknown Age) Marker Game Marker" offline.
  • Change the age name(s) in the mlist file of your actual mission accordingly, e.g. by replacing "Somewhere" with "Somewhere2 (Unknown Age)" (when going from online to offline).

Executing command scripts

/loadscript allows you to run commands without typing, for example while capturing a video-

  • Create a file called "commands.txt" in your Uru directory containing the commands you want to run, one per line
  • Type "/loadscript commands.txt"
  • Now hide your KI (to be completely sure it does not pop up again, you can use "/hideki 300" to hide it 300 seconds - but there is no way to bring it back earlier!)
  • Do whatever you have to do for the script of your video, and when it comes to running the first command, press Ctrl+Pause. Each subsequent pressing of this combination will run the next command from your list until it ends.

Using camera tours

"/tour" allows you to take camera tours in some ages: For example, in the hood, type "/tour hoodtour1" and then "/entercam default". Use "/leavecam default" to get your normal view back. "/list tours" gives you a list of all tours available in the current age. You can also tell the "/tour" command to use a specific camera ("/list cameras" shows all cameras of the current age), or change the time after which the next view is chosen.

Removing all images from an imager

This is noting the Offline KI changes, but it's still quite unknown and useful: In order to remove all the content of an imager, create a text note containing only "cleardaImager" - without a newline before or after the text, and case-sensitive (the "I" is the only upper-case letter) and send it to the imager.