Global Python Scripts

Revision as of 13:44, 30 December 2010 by Dʹlanor (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cyan has made global Python scripts which can be used in combination with SDL states. The big advantage of using global scripts is that you do not have to wr...")

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Cyan has made global Python scripts which can be used in combination with SDL states. The big advantage of using global scripts is that you do not have to write your own Python scripts.

These scripts require parameters which must be passed to them from the prp file. If you are using 3DS Max you can see these parameters in the roll-out of your Python file component (provided that you have extracted, decompiled and installed the Python files in the Python folder within your Max export folder). Blender users do not have this benefit.

In any case you will need to know what those parameters actually do before you can make use of global Python scripts. That is what this tutorial intends to explain.

This tutorial discusses the global Python scripts as found in Uru:CC (and Drizzle/Offline KI modifications if available). The MOULa Python scripts have additional parameters but since there is no MOULa environment for fan ages these are currently useless.

For now we'll just lists the parameters. More to come...


actTrigger = ptAttribActivator(1, 'Activator')
stringVarName = ptAttribString(2, 'Age SDL Var Name')
intValue = ptAttribInt(7, 'Set Var to:', rang=(0,
stringInfo = ptAttribString(8, 'Extra info to pass along')


actTrigger = ptAttribActivator(1, 'Activator')
stringVarName = ptAttribString(2, 'Age SDL Var Name')
stringInfo = ptAttribString(5, 'Extra info to pass along')


stringVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Var Name')
respBoolTrue = ptAttribResponder(2, 'Run if bool true:')
respBoolFalse = ptAttribResponder(3, 'Run if bool false:')
boolVltMgrFastForward = ptAttribBoolean(4, 'F-Forward on VM notify', 1)
boolFFOnInit = ptAttribBoolean(5, 'F-Forward on Init', 1)


stringVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Var Name')
boolShowOnTrue = ptAttribBoolean(2, 'Show on true', 1)


stringSDLVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Variable')
actActivator = ptAttribActivator(2, 'Activator')
stringStartValues = ptAttribString(3, 'Active state values')


actTrigger = ptAttribActivator(1, 'Activator')
stringVarName = ptAttribString(2, 'Age SDL Var Name')
boolInc = ptAttribBoolean(3, 'Counter: Increment')
boolDec = ptAttribBoolean(4, 'Counter: Decrement')
intMin = ptAttribInt(5, 'Counter: Min', default=0)
intMax = ptAttribInt(6, 'Counter: Max', default=10)
boolLoop = ptAttribBoolean(7, 'Counter: Loop')
stringInfo = ptAttribString(8, 'Optional Hint String')
intSetTo = ptAttribInt(9, "Don't Count, Set To:", default=0)


stringVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Var Name')
stringShowStates = ptAttribString(2, 'States in which shown')


stringSDLVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Variable')
respStart = ptAttribResponder(2, 'Start Responder')
stringStartValues = ptAttribString(3, 'Start state values')
boolStartFF = ptAttribBoolean(4, 'Fast forward on start', 0)
respStop = ptAttribResponder(5, 'Stop Responder')
boolStopFF = ptAttribBoolean(6, 'Fast forward on stop', 1)


stringSDLVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Variable')
stringSDLVarToSet = ptAttribString(2, 'SDL Variable To Set')
stringStartStates = ptAttribString(3, 'State value tuples')
stringTag = ptAttribString(4, 'Extra info to pass along')


stringVar1Name = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Var #1')
stringVar2Name = ptAttribString(2, 'Age SDL Var #2')
respBoolTrue = ptAttribResponder(3, 'Run if bool true:')
respBoolFalse = ptAttribResponder(4, 'Run if bool false:')
boolVltMgrFastForward = ptAttribBoolean(5, 'F-Forward on VM notify', 1)
boolFFOnInit = ptAttribBoolean(6, 'F-Forward on Init', 1)


stringOpA = ptAttribString(1, 'AgeSDL Operand 1')
stringOpB = ptAttribString(2, 'AgeSDL Operand 2')
stringResult = ptAttribString(3, 'AgeSDL Result')


actTrigger = ptAttribActivator(1, 'Activator')
stringVarEnabler = ptAttribString(2, 'AgeSDL Enabler')
stringVarTarget = ptAttribString(3, 'AgeSDL Var To Change')
stringInfo = ptAttribString(4, 'Extra info to pass along')


stringSDLVarName = ptAttribString(1, 'Age SDL Variable')
respList = ptAttribResponderList(2, 'ResponderList', byObject=1)
stringFormat = ptAttribString(3, 'Responder name format string')
intMaxState = ptAttribInt(4, 'Max state value', 2)
boolStartFF = ptAttribBoolean(5, 'F-Forward on start', 0)
boolVltMgrFF = ptAttribBoolean(6, 'F-Forward on VM notify', 1)